# @Author: Arthur Voronin
# @Date: 06.05.2021
# @Filename: dihedrals.py
# @Last modified by: arthur
# @Last modified time: 16.09.2021
.. hint:: This module contains functions for dihedral-angle analyses.
.. code-block:: python
import MDAnalysis as mda
import pyrexMD.analysis.dihedrals as dih
mobile = mda.Universe("path/to/tpr", "path/to/xtc")
# get dihedral angles of current frame
phi = dih.get_phi_values(u, sel="protein and resid 1-3")
psi = dih.get_psi_values(u, sel="protein and resid 1-3")
omega = dih.get_omega_values(u, sel="protein and resid 1-3")
# plot ramachandran
rama = dih.get_ramachandran(mobile)
import pyrexMD.misc as _misc
import pyrexMD.topology as _top
from MDAnalysis.analysis import dihedrals
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="Cannot determine phi and psi angles for the first")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="All ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, and VAL residues")
[docs]def get_ramachandran(u, sel="protein", sss=[None, None, None], plot=True, **kwargs):
Get Ramachandran information (phi & psi dihedral values, frames, etc).
.. Note:: phi/psi angles are not defined for first and last residues.
u (universe)
sel (str): selection string
sss (list):
| [start, stop, step]
| start (None, int): start frame
| stop (None, int): stop frame
| step (None, int): step size
plot (bool)
Keyword Args:
start (None, int): start frame
stop (None, int): stop frame
step (None, int): step size
color (str): "black"
marker (str): "."
ref (bool): True: Adds a general Ramachandran plot which shows allowed
(dark blue ~ 90% data points) and marginally allowed regions (light
blue ~ 99% data points). Lookup MDAnalysis online documentation about
dihedrals for more information.
num (None, int):
| figure number
| None: create new figure
norm (bool): norm universe before calculation. Defaults to True.
rama (MDAnalysis.analysis.dihedrals.Ramachandran)
class contains atom groups, angles, frames, times, etc
default = {"start": sss[0],
"stop": sss[1],
"step": sss[2],
"color": "black",
"marker": ".",
"ref": True,
"num": None,
"norm": True}
cfg = _misc.CONFIG(default, **kwargs)
if "ref" in kwargs:
del kwargs["ref"]
if "num" in kwargs:
del kwargs["num"]
if cfg.norm:
rama = dihedrals.Ramachandran(u.select_atoms(sel)).run(start=cfg.start, stop=cfg.stop, step=cfg.step)
_misc.figure(num=cfg.num, **kwargs)
rama.plot(color=cfg.color, marker=cfg.marker, ref=cfg.ref)
return rama
[docs]def get_janin(u, sel="protein", sss=[None, None, None], plot=True, verbose=True, **kwargs):
Get Janin information (chi1 & chi2 dihedral values, frames, etc).
.. Note:: chi1/chi2 angles are not defined for ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, VAL
u (universe)
sel (str): selection string
sss (list):
| [start, stop, step]
| start (None, int): start frame
| stop (None, int): stop frame
| step (None, int): step size
plot (bool)
verbose (bool): print warning "All ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, and VAL
residues have been removed from the selection."
Keyword Args:
start (None, int): start frame
stop (None, int): stop frame
step (None, int): step size
color (str): "black"
marker (str): "."
ref (bool): True: adds a general Janin plot which shows allowed (dark
blue ~ 90% data points) and marginally allowed regions (light blue ~
99% data points). Lookup MDAnalysis online documentation about
dihedrals for more information.
num (None, int):
| figure number
| None: create new figure
norm (bool): norm universe before calculation. Defaults to True.
janin (MDAnalysis.analysis.dihedrals.Janin)
class contains atom groups, angles, frames, times, etc
default = {"start": sss[0],
"stop": sss[1],
"step": sss[2],
"color": "black",
"marker": ".",
"ref": True,
"num": None,
"norm": True}
cfg = _misc.CONFIG(default, **kwargs)
if "ref" in kwargs:
del kwargs["ref"]
if "num" in kwargs:
del kwargs["num"]
if cfg.norm:
janin = dihedrals.Janin(u.select_atoms(sel)).run(start=cfg.start, stop=cfg.stop, step=cfg.step)
_misc.figure(num=cfg.num, **kwargs)
janin.plot(color=cfg.color, marker=cfg.marker, ref=cfg.ref)
if verbose:
_misc.cprint("All ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, and VAL residues have been removed from the selection.", "red")
return janin
[docs]def get_phi_values(u, sel="protein", sss=[None, None, None], **kwargs):
Get phi dihedral values.
.. Note:: phi/psi angles are not defined for first and last residues.
u (universe)
sel (str): selection string
sss (list):
| [start, stop, step]
| start (None, int): start frame
| stop (None, int): stop frame
| step (None, int): step size
Keyword Args:
start (None, int): start frame
stop (None, int): stop frame
step (None, int): step size
norm (bool): norm universe before calculation. Defaults to True.
phi (array)
array with phi dihedral values
default = {"start": sss[0],
"stop": sss[1],
"step": sss[2],
"norm": True}
cfg = _misc.CONFIG(default, **kwargs)
if cfg.norm:
a = [res.phi_selection() for res in u.select_atoms(sel).residues
if res.phi_selection() is not None]
dih = dihedrals.Dihedral(a).run(start=cfg.start, stop=cfg.stop, step=cfg.step)
phi_values = dih.angles
return phi_values
[docs]def get_psi_values(u, sel="protein", sss=[None, None, None], **kwargs):
Get psi dihedral values.
.. Note:: phi/psi angles are not defined for first and last residues.
u (universe)
sel (str): selection string
sss (list):
| [start, stop, step]
| start (None, int): start frame
| stop (None, int): stop frame
| step (None, int): step size
Keyword Args:
start (None, int): start frame
stop (None, int): stop frame
step (None, int): step size
norm (bool): norm universe before calculation. Defaults to True.
psi_values (array)
array with psi dihedral values
default = {"start": sss[0],
"stop": sss[1],
"step": sss[2],
"norm": True}
cfg = _misc.CONFIG(default, **kwargs)
if cfg.norm:
a = [res.psi_selection() for res in u.select_atoms(sel).residues
if res.psi_selection() is not None]
dih = dihedrals.Dihedral(a).run(start=cfg.start, stop=cfg.stop, step=cfg.step)
psi_values = dih.angles
return psi_values
[docs]def get_omega_values(u, sel="protein", sss=[None, None, None], **kwargs):
Get omega dihedral values.
u (Muniverse)
sel (str): selection string
sss (list):
| [start, stop, step]
| start (None, int): start frame
| stop (None, int): stop frame
| step (None, int): step size
Keyword Args:
start (None, int): start frame
stop (None, int): stop frame
step (None, int): step size
norm (bool): norm universe before calculation. Defaults to True.
omega_values (array)
array with omega dihedral values
default = {"start": sss[0],
"stop": sss[1],
"step": sss[2],
"norm": True}
cfg = _misc.CONFIG(default, **kwargs)
if cfg.norm:
a = [res.omega_selection() for res in u.select_atoms(sel).residues
if res.omega_selection() is not None]
dih = dihedrals.Dihedral(a).run(start=cfg.start, stop=cfg.stop, step=cfg.step)
omega_values = dih.angles
return omega_values
[docs]def get_chi1_values(u, sel="protein", sss=[None, None, None], warn=True, **kwargs):
Get chi1 dihedral values.
u (universe)
sel (str): selection string
sss (list):
| [start, stop, step]
| start (None, int): start frame
| stop (None, int): stop frame
| step (None, int): step size
warn (bool): print warning "All ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, and VAL
residues have been removed from the selection."
Keyword Args:
start (None, int): start frame
stop (None, int): stop frame
step (None, int): step size
norm (bool): norm universe before calculation. Defaults to True.
chi1_values (array)
array with chi1 dihedral values
default = {"start": sss[0],
"stop": sss[1],
"step": sss[2],
"norm": True}
cfg = _misc.CONFIG(default, **kwargs)
if cfg.norm:
if warn:
_misc.cprint("All ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, and VAL residues have been removed from the selection.", "red")
a = [res.chi1_selection() for res in u.select_atoms(sel).residues
if res.chi1_selection() is not None]
dih = dihedrals.Dihedral(a).run(start=cfg.start, stop=cfg.stop, step=cfg.step)
chi1_values = dih.angles
return chi1_values
[docs]def get_chi2_values(u, sel="protein", sss=[None, None, None], warn=True, **kwargs):
Get chi2 dihedral values.
u (universe)
sel (str): selection string
sss (list):
| [start, stop, step]
| start (None, int): start frame
| stop (None, int): stop frame
| step (None, int): step size
warn (bool): print warning "All ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, and VAL
residues have been removed from the selection."
Keyword Args:
start (None, int): start frame
stop (None, int): stop frame
step (None, int): step size
norm (bool): norm universe before calculation. Defaults to True.
chi2_values (array)
array with chi2 dihedral values
default = {"start": sss[0],
"stop": sss[1],
"step": sss[2],
"norm": True}
cfg = _misc.CONFIG(default, **kwargs)
if cfg.norm:
if warn:
_misc.cprint("All ALA, CYS, GLY, PRO, SER, THR, and VAL residues have been removed from the selection.", "red")
a = [res.chi2_selection() for res in u.select_atoms(sel).residues
if res.chi2_selection() is not None]
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError("Selection has no chi2 angles.")
dih = dihedrals.Dihedral(a).run(start=cfg.start, stop=cfg.stop, step=cfg.step)
chi2_values = dih.angles
return chi2_values